Studies show that the average person will stand in line the equivalent of 6 years of their life by the time they die. I think that during the first 5 days of boot camp we stood in line 90% of the time we were awake so that means that every Marine is above average when it comes to standing in line as well.
While standing in line “recruits,” are often required to stand “A to B” which means, to put it bluntly, “asshole to belly button.” It was the most humiliating thing I did in boot camp because I don’t particularly get turned on by having my crotch smashed up against another dudes butt at all let alone for hours and hours at a time. What makes it worse is that sometimes there were 90 of us in line smashed together. In boot camp you lose all your pride, ego, and gain humility. They make it so there is no other option.
Some people think that going in the military means that you lose your sense of humor. I disagree now that I have been through 8 plus years of it. I think your sense of humor grows exponentially, but it’s a sense of humor only those who have done it can understand. What other option do you have when one is forced to spoon with 90 other dudes while standing up in a dental, hair cut, or medical check up line. We learn not to take ourselves too seriously and that’s a good thing.
The first 5 days of boot camp were called “receiving.” We changed from civilian clothes to cammies the first night; we got haircuts; we must have gotten half a dozen or more shots; we had medical checkups; we had dental checkups; we bought all our hygiene items; we started to learn to march and there were a few more things thrown in there. As mentioned before, we stood in line all day, every day those first few.
We also ran our first Physical Fitness Test or PFT of which I did a pretty good job. I think I scored 260 to 270 out of 300. I remember that the MCRD record for pull ups was 65 without the kid getting off the bar. We were told that he was a rock climber. I think I did 18 or so. One gets 100 points for doing 20 so not too bad. I was in pretty good shape. After all I was an all state athlete in high school and I loved the weight room of which I am still very active in doing. The PFT consists of a 3 mile run, sit ups, and pull ups.
I was only 180 pounds upon entering boot camp so I was not considered a “Fat Body” or a “Double Rat.” I was grateful for this because it gave the Drill Instructors less reason to single me out. The fat bodies were given a strict diet. They were only allowed skinless chicken and a cup of rice for both dinner and lunch every day for 13 weeks. I don’t recall what they gave them for breakfast.
The double rats were required to take double portions of everything so they could get more meat on their bones and were not allowed to leave the chow hall until they had finished it all. Those in the middle, like me, just grabbed what we could as fast as we could.
I tell you this because when we were required to spoon for 5 days straight, the flatulence from the food created a lot of heart ache among the 90 man platoon. We were required to get real friendly with the man to the front and rear of us as well as stand still when someone decided to “bust ass” as Marines liked to say. Because of the food, all farts from all recruits smelt the same for 13 weeks. When someone decided to let loose he became a real crowd pleaser.
You learn to breathe real shallow and hold that shallow breath as long as possible until the funk dissipated. There was no running, talking, complaining, or covering your nose while at attention so you either learned to enjoy someone else’s farts or learned to deal with it. I admit that a lot of foods don’t treat my digestive system too well so I was guilty of the farting torture that went on throughout boot camp. It’s Just another example of sense of humor growth.
On top of all that we were constantly being screamed at for even the smallest infraction to include “busting ass.” We also started to learn what “thrashing” was. This was when you did something like fall asleep outside of “rack time” and they took you into a sand pit or just anywhere close and made you do push-ups, jumping jacks, flutter kicks, or whatever they could come up with to make your muscles scream and your cammies drenched. Sometimes they would do it to just one of us, a few of us, or even the whole platoon. It was extra physical fitness you did outside of the almost daily planned PT.
I come from a broken family but I do have two parents who have been available to me. My father is now one of my best friends. The second I stepped off that bus and onto the yellow footprints I realized something that slapped me across the face as if someone had really done it. I realized that everything my father had ever counseled me on, that I had resisted, was true. To be honest, I had a few days during the 5 day receiving phase that I became extremely homesick. The Marines teach that “what does not kill you makes you stronger” and the homesick feeling was weakness leaving my body. They also taught us that “pain is weakness leaving the body.”
They gave us one phone call home during those 5 days. When I called my younger step sister Jenny answered because no one else was home. I desperately wanted to talk to my father. I was sad and I was teary eyed. It was painful for me. Thanks to God’s good grace I was put in the wrong line the next night and got one more chance to call. This time dad answered the phone and I just told him that everything he taught me was true and that I loved and respected him so much. The humility of boot camp made a wild, punk kid, bow his head and truly feel love for his father.
After a few days of homesickness, I started to enjoy boot camp but I had no idea what awaited me on day 6. Day 6 was the day we would be introduced to the five drill instructors that would guide us through the next 12 plus weeks. Receiving would be a picnic compared to what awaited us.
Video of the Day:
Quote of the Day: